Swine Flu Deaths in India

Swine Flu Deaths in India

In a major health problem setback is four people died of swine flu in the national capital, while 106 new cases were reported - the highest in the country Friday, a health official said.

Three more people succumbed to the deadly swine flu in the afternoon of Sunday, November 29, bringing the figure because of the disease in the country to 573rd.

According to report from the health ministry of liberation, were also reported 139 new cases of swine influenza throughout the country during the day. All cases are indigenous.

The statement said: "To date, samples from 86,841 people have been signs of influenza A H1N1 (swine flu) in government laboratories and private laboratories across the country, and 18,007 (20.7 percent) of them tested positive.

Repeat the basic hygiene items to be taken to limit the spread of swine flu, the warning also given information on all public hospitals, where to get tested for free, hospitals where treatment is available are also private contact information diagnostics.

The severity of the second wave of H1N1 is less. Also, as in the ordinary flu, people who develop an innate immunity to swine influenza. But if a co morbidity factor in question, for example, if a person over 60 years, pregnant, diabetic, suffered from tuberculosis, HIV, a person must be more careful, Prakash told IANS.

And in what could be alarming, Prakash said the virus can infect a person without showing symptoms, conventional, such as a runny nose, high temperature.

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