IIST Admission Test 2010

IIST Admission Test 2010

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram to carry out an audition for his BTech programs in aerospace engineering, avionics and science. Reserve space on our entry in accordance with central government policy of reservations. The details of the test, the admission process, and instructions on how to apply, appear in newspapers and news on this website shortly.

IIST Admission Test 2010 photo

IIST or Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology is one of the premiere in India Insititute for the Study of Space Science. IIST Thiruvananthapuram to carry out an audition for his BTech programs in aerospace engineering, avionics and science. Space Reservation in admission, in accordance with central government policy of reservations.

IIST Admission tests will be like all other Indian engineering entrance test. The questions will be objective type and there will be two sessions lasting two hours each. It will be based primarily on CBSE Syllabus, 11 and 12 of the rules of physics, chemistry and mathematics. The test is carried out during the third weekend in April 2010 in multiple centers across the country.

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