Going for Gold in history is at stake, the murdered Lil Wayne rumors claim that Lil Wayne is the latest victim of the famous battle between the Bloods and Crips."
The report allegedly attributed to the BBC, but they can still say that he briefly after performing at New Orleans Arena, Lil Wayne was involved in an altercation with rival gang members of the Crips, and brutally shot 6 times with a semiautomatic Smith & Wesson 9mm pistol.
"The paramedics rushed to the spot and tried to revive the rapper but could not prevent massive blood loss and Dwayne Carter was pronounced dead at 02:36, 1 November, shortly after arriving at Tulane University Hospital.
I note that in 7 / 10 for originality, but no more, because a change in the Bloods and Crips murder story has been used before. Still, it is a significant improvement over-used car accident, we have seen in the fake celebrity deaths lately.